IslandGirl Dream Hair Growth Tea was handled with care for people to regrow their hair and bring out the exotic lifestyle with their hair. Our unique infused formula is made to prioritize and help our customers achieve tremendous growth, luxurious moisture and increase the overall health of their hair.
We had to help with the speed of hair growth and get rid of dried out hair, so after many studies and trials we bring to you IslandGirl Dream "Dreams Do Come True" Hair Growth Collection.
Our Tea increases blood flow, grows hair fast, reduces shedding, reduce brittle hair and thickens hair like something you have dreamed of.
Our Tea is infused with herbs that penetrate the scalp, promotes length, grow edges, prevent balding, restore PH and grow your hair HEALTHY & FAST!.
Nettle Leaf - helps promote hair growth, DHT blocker, contains vitamin C and iron, stimulates hair growth, balances PH levels.
Hibiscus - helps improve the blood circulation under the scalp to stimulate healthy hair growth,combats hair loss, reduce hair fall, rich in vitamin C and amino acids
Moroccan Mint - helps strengthen hair and helps it grow more quickly, stimulates hair follicles and increase blood flow, improves oxygen circulation and oxygen distribution, contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
Dandelion Root - helps making your hair strong and stimulate growth, rich source of vitamin A, C and E as well as B-complex vitamins, contains choline, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, biotin and calcium.
Pour boiling water over the herb, cover, and steep for 10-20 minutes. strain out the tea and allow liquid to cool. Gently massage the tea into your wet hair and scalp in a circular motion. Pour over your head after your regular shampoo, condition, and detangling session. Do not rinse and style as usual or leave in for about 30 minutes then rinse. You can also drink this tea for amazing hair growth benefits. Repeat once a week.
DISCLAIMER: Products contain herbs, not liable or responsible for illness or allergic reaction. Do the 24 hour skin test as stated.